Ahkam in Brief – Tayammum

What if we don’t find water for Wudhu? What shall we do?
Tayammum; an alternative to Wudhu and Ghusl in certain situations.

How do we perform Tayammum?

Start of by making your intention, which is to seek closeness to Allah with this act.

  • Take off your rings, and be sure that there’s no barrier on the skin of your forehead and your hands.
  • Hit the bare earth once with the palms of both hands. With both of your palms wipe your forehead, between the hairline, and the top of the nose including the eyebrows.  From the top to the bottom. Then wipe the back of your right hand with the palm of your left hand from the wrist to the fingertips.
  • Repeat the same thing and wipe the back of your left hand, with the right palm.

 Done! so quick and easy! 

But what can I do Tayammum with?

 You can do your Tayammum on earth, soil, sand, a lump of clay and stone. It’s also acceptable with gypsum, bricks, clay and with gathered dust if it’s considered fine soil.

What’s important is that, it must leave traces on your hands. For example, it is not permissible to use marble stone with no dust covering it.

What is used for Tayammum should be clean, Tahir and pure, and shouldn’t be usurped. If you don’t find any of the mentioned items, you can make Tayammum with mud. If that is not available, you can use a dusty item such as a dusty cloth.

There are a few situations in which we have to do Tayammum:

  1. The First instance is, when there is insufficient water for ghusl or wudhu, and also, we have lost our hope to find water in the allocated time for our prayers. In this situation we have to do Tayammum.
  2. Second instance , is when there is  water but there’s risk of thirst; for yourself, or for others, and even to the animals which you keep.
  3. Thirdly if there is  water but there’s not enough time to do your prayers on time.
  4. Forthly when there is sufficient water, but we can’t use it, due to disability, or fear for our safety, honour, or our belongings.
  5. Number five, is when obtaining water could put you in an unbearable and difficult situation.
  6. The Sixth instance is, if using water may harm your body.
  7. and Number seven, is for some specific situations in which there is a splint or bandage on our body.

[The End]

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